We meet every Sunday!
In the Fonteinkerk, Schoterweg 14, Haarlem @ 10am.
Kidzplace takes place during the service. All are welcome, come as you are.
Questions? - email us: Life@MeetingPlaceic.com
Virtual Prayer
You are invited to join-in as we pray thank God for all He has done and who He is, for your needs, others’ needs and ask God to intercede for the world around us. When we cooperate with God thru Prayer impossible things happen! Pray in English or whatever language you are comfortable with. You can enter-in or just listen and agree.
MPic Values
Church needs to be a place where anyone can feel welcomed, accepted, valued and encouraged. There is always room for one more!
At the Meeting Place everyone is sincerely accepted, welcomed and valued . There is always room for One More!
We are a place to meet others and build lasting, encouraging relationships, and most importantly… to meet God! He is the One who has the plans for our hope and our future.
We want to ENGAGE God and ENGAGE the world! This happens when we discover our God-inspired purposes, invest in the lives of others and seek to share the Hope that we have with those around us.
Touching a Historic City with the Love of a Timeless God

Always Welcome…
We may be a newer church in Haarlem… but we hope you find us as familiar and as warm as your favorite sweater. Simply, we exist to honor Jesus Christ and provide a place of belonging for the many people in the Haarlem area from so many diversities, cultures and backgrounds. Whether you are Dutch, Chinese, American… or from the most remote part of the Globe, we wish to provide a place where you can be yourself and yet find who you truly were meant to be in Christ. Our life should be more than just an ‘existence’. God created us to be living examples of His love, compassion and hope… a reflection of Him! Regardless of where you’ve been or what you’ve done, there is still hope. You’ll find people from every-walk-of-life here… people just like you! At The Meeting Place there is always room for ‘one more’. We hope you visit us soon… and decide to stay a while!
Our Mission
“The Mission… of the Meeting Place is to be a Living Intersection where Anyone can Meet the risen Jesus, Connect with others and Engage their world with true Passion and Purpose.”
Who Are We?
We are a mixture of Dutch, Brits, Americans, S.Africans and other Internationals who are crazy enough to believe God wants to do something exceptional in the Haarlem area…. Join us for the journey!
When and Where do you gather?
We gather publicly at 10 a.m. every Sunday in the Fonteinkerk, Schoterweg 14, Haarlem for ‘in-person’ gatherings to worship, sing, pray and encourage each other.
The world is getting Smaller…..
…our Table is becoming Bigger!